
When the clock strikes midnight
When the clock strikes midnight

when the clock strikes midnight when the clock strikes midnight

If racing against the clock for repairs wasn’t enough trouble, Cinderella must also beware of her evil Stepmother who will work to thwart her at every turn, trying to stop Cinderella from completing her mission and being able to attend the ball. Cinderella needs to fix the watch by getting the numbers into the correct place on the clock face, in order to ensure she heads home in time. Only one problem, it’s broken! All the numbers are in the wrong places. Can’t have that now, can we? Thanks to modern technology, Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother provided her with a watch to keep track of time.

when the clock strikes midnight

Now, it is really easy to get swept up in the commotion of the ball and lose track of time. You know the story, Cinderella goes to the ball and has to be home before the last stroke of midnight. Use magical items, such as pumpkins and glass slippers to create combos to help fix the clock before time runs out! Swap and rotate cards to get the hours in the correct place on the clock. It is our hope that this latest interpretation of "Cinderella" be a gift not only to all "princesses" but also to all those who love them.The Clock Strikes Midnight is a puzzle game for 1-2 players.

when the clock strikes midnight

Whether you are enjoying the encounter with the dashing stranger in the woods, the depiction of Cinderella's enchanted transformation, her flight from discovery at the King's ball or her time in love with the prince of her dreams, all of these masterworks in color and light will dazzle your eye and speak to your heart. We at the Thomas Kinkade Studios are excited to continue in this storytelling tradition, bringing to life the latest Disney retelling of this classic story in the form of four paintings each capturing in oil the joy of first love, the wonderment of fairy magic and the excitement of romantic adventure. Their laughter and delight at his telling would shine in his own eyes as he reveled in their obvious enchantment. To be sure, Thom loved the original "Cinderella" as much as any and would speak of it fondly when reminiscing of story-times spent with his own beautiful daughters. The beauty of the fable and the importance of its message have also made it a constant in the list of favorite stories told and enjoyed by those spinning yarns in our own country. The folklore of the hidden princess magically discovered by her true prince has been told for hundreds of years in countries throughout the world as geographically and culturally diverse as Malaysia and Germany. It explores the importance of inner beauty in the assessment of personal worth and proclaims the power of true love to overcome all obstacles no matter how large and daunting they may seem. The story of "Cinderella" is a timeless and universal tale of romance and self-discovery. Clock Strikes Midnight captures the rich hues of the castle and moonlit sky, the beauty of Ella’s magical dress, and the brilliance of the golden carriage that awaits her. Ella loses one of her glass slippers as the Prince chases after her - a clue that will help him later find the love of his life. Inspired by Disney’s live action movie, "Cinderella", Thomas Kinkade Studios portrays the climactic scene when Ella races to leave the palace before her Fairy Godmother’s magic disappears at midnight.

When the clock strikes midnight